6 months of whiteboard progress but what’s the real issue?

So the other night I was having one of those days where I felt like I hadn’t achieved much recently.  I was getting into bed when my whiteboard caught my eye.  I actually chuckled to myself and realised what a big lie that was.  My whiteboard proved how much has been going on this year.

It’s the most incredibly simple way of feeling good.  It’s nearly my most favourite thing in life.  Except for sunsets.  And walking.  With 1 minute of work each day doing an udpate, I get a constant reminder that life is so wonderful.  And that I’m spending my time doing the things that matter.  It’s so inspiring to keep going.  The easiest addition to life and I’m so happy and grateful and feeling lucky because of it.  An excellent way to help us make our own luck.  And for those of you comfortable with the laws of attraction, it helps to raise my vibration and attract more of what I want in life.  Following my video about Bethany Mota it totally fits in to one of her truths about being responsible for your own happiness!

Wow.  I’ve just had a big a ha moment this morning.  It actually feels a little uncomfortable telling you because it’s so real and a little raw.  I wasn’t feeling upset that I haven’t achieved much.  The truth was I haven’t been out of my comfort zone for a while.  And it makes me feel disappointed in myself – isn’t that the worst feeling?  Being disappointed in yourself?  I haven’t done much coaching and I’ve realised that’s why I’ve been working so hard in my day job and even staying back a bit.  Because I’m so good at it – it’s totally in my comfort zone and makes me feel like a hero for achieving so much.  It’s easy.  But in all honesty – it isn’t what ultimately makes me feel wonderful these days (it’s a huge factor and I love it but it’s not everything).  It’s the facing fears, doing something new, learning to become a better and better coach (through practice) and getting out of my comfort zone.  It’s the hard stuff.  It’s pushing limits and allowing myself to experience more of life that makes me feel amazing and proud and like I’m living a full rich life.  Gives me confidence, opens up more opportunities and makes me feel bold and brave.  And yet I fight against it, I find excuses everyday not to do something that makes me nervous, simply because it’s scary.  It seems too hard.  I am too tired, I have a dog bite, it’s too easy to find a million excuses.  So next step – lots more coaching practice.  I love it when I’ve started – it’s just the build up before it.  Such a silly thing when you delve down into it, I know I’m actually good at it.  Mostly because I care.  I’m enthusiastic and passionate and want people to be really happy.  I honestly care about everyone loving themselves and their lives and taking baby steps or giant leaps or whatever suits them to be madly in love – with themselves and with their lives and with the world.  I think the real fear is that I can’t solve all the problems of the world and take away all of the problems.  Just like me putting in the hard yards to make my comfort zone bigger and bigger, everyone else has to do that as well – I can’t do it for them and that’s when I feel like I’m not good enough.  Talk about unnecessary pressure on myself!!!!!!  Why set yourself up for failure with impossible goals??????  So if I get a little real with myself, and remember why I am really here, then I can get on with helping people (instead of worrying about my own ridiculous – call a spade a spade – expectations on myself), and I can focus on holding your hand as you take the next step.

There, that sounds like something I really want to do.  Thanks for listening!  Do you do this as well?  Expect yourself to do the impossible without realising that’s the goal you’ve given yourself?????  Let’s take some more kindness and self love and set achievable feel good goals.  Wouldn’t that feel a whole lot better?

Be kind to yourself.

