But I’m not good enough


I’ve spent my whole life thinking this.  Where did we get this message from?  Were we set up for mediocrity just because we didn’t come first at school?  Or second or third?  Or 40th?

Does it really matter what happened back ‘then’?  What does matter is it’s time to let go of thinking like this.

I’m not good enough.

I’m not smart enough.

I’m not popular enough.

I’m not attractive enough.

I’m not skinny enough.

I’m not rich enough, tall enough, creative enough, innovative enough… I’m not, I’m not, I’m not, I’m not.

Where is the proof you aren’t good enough?

Well, what if you were????  What if you were every bit good enough to follow your dreams.  To make your visions/hopes/goals/quests happen?

I’ve spent the last 10 years in a safe secure job.  I was brilliant at it.  There was no challenge – I’d had about 20 years of experience to get to brilliance.  But I didn’t believe I was good enough to really make a difference doing something I loved.  I was good enough to help others be their best, but not good enough to be my best.  How do I know what my best is?  Well let’s find out.

Let’s fake it until we make it.  What if I just attempt to see what happens if I try something new and scary and off the wall to me?  Something out of my comfort zone?  Something out of my safe and secure existence.  Something that goes against my parents teaching me to play it safe and NEVER take risks.

Well here I am at day one of unemployment.  The world hasn’t blown up yet.  And I had an absolutely delicious lunch at my local cafe and did the hugest walk and started my first blog post EVER.  So just maybe I can.  And maybe I can’t.  But how will I ever know if I don’t give it a chance?  Let’s be curious.  I won’t crash and burn, I just might not be a huge success.  Does it matter?  Do I feel like a complete hero for trying?  Yes, yes I do.  Would I feel like a failure?  I don’t see why.  But it’s totally new for me.  And feels totally brave and courageous.  So let’s keep testing the theory ‘I’m not good enough’ because in fact you probably are good enough!!!!

Take a deep breath and jump in – start at the shallow end with tiny baby steps first if you like.

What is it for you?  What do you think you aren’t enough for?  What if you started living as though you were good enough.  What if you started making decisions a person who though they were good enough would make?  What if you started telling yourself you ARE ENOUGH?

Be kind to yourself.
