Getting that tingly feeling

I just had that sudden tingly feeling in my body when you realise you have achieved something great.  Do you know what I’m talking about?  I think it’s probably a lot to do with pride.  I just realised that after immersing myself in language changes over the last 6 weeks I think some have finally embedded themselves.  They have become beliefs instead of just a lovely idea.  I finally had the realisation that maybe I am not who I was – I am actually capable of so much more.  I can learn, I can be the opposite of who I thought I was.  I no longer refer to myself as ‘not being good with technology’.  I even look forward to each new thing I will learn to improve my blog.  And it’s not just putting positive affirmations in my head – it’s practice and action that finally make the affirmations believable.  You have changed.  You are an improved model.  You can continue to become more of who you are.  Is it more confidence as a feeling?  Is it inspiring yourself?  Is it the excitement of knowing you are more than you originally thought you were capable of?

I had thought it would happen the instant I launched my blog.  The tingly feeling would happen straight away to tell me how incredible I feel for reaching a totally different type of goal for me, for taking a huge step on the path to my dream life and pride at having learnt so much about technology.  I also thought it would happen when I made the last payment on my bad debt last October – a huge slog of a goal that took 18 long hard months.  But it didn’t – for either.  And that shocked me.  So maybe it takes a while for the realisation to sink in that we have done something great.  It takes a while to settle into feeling like you really truly are a different person.  And to accept that just maybe you are amazing!

Does this make any sense?  It’s like butterflies but feels so much more positive.  Its like joy and bliss and happiness and possibly even a bit of giddiness.   Does it happen when you cross the finish line in a marathon or does it happen a few days later when you are reflecting on the thing you didn’t really believe possible?  Does it happen the moment you step on the scales and you are at your goal weight or does it take a while to sink in?  Does it seem unbelievable when it happens because we’ve been working so long and hard to get there?  Is it the universe finally confirming miracles we have made happen?  Is it a kind of love?  A love for ourselves?

Is this why we do new year’s resolutions?  If you have some resolutions, goals, lists or quests for 2017 do you have them because they will eventually give you that tingly feeling?  Is that what we are reaching for?  Is it enough motivation to sustain us during the hard work to get to the goals?  If the goals aren’t going to give us that tingly feeling are they important enough?  Do they matter enough for us to do the necessary steps to achieve them?  Do we need to ensure we have time to reflect on our achievements and allow the tingly feeling to come instead of rushing into the next goal?

What are you hoping will give you that tingly feeling this year?

Be kind to yourself.
