Cut yourself some slack

(from the Honolulu Museum of Art – May 2016)

I’ve really been struggling to work out how I can be so tired after 4 months of not having a ‘normal 9 – 5 job’.  Usually we take a week off here and there to rejuvenate and we are insanely excited and then head back to work all ready to start again.  So with 4 months off, should I not be bouncing off the walls with energy and enthusiasm to take over the world?  (a ha ha – there is that word should again, to me it is always the start of feeling bad about something).

This morning I wrote a list of everything I am doing that is new.  Now I totally understand why I am tired and I have decided to cut myself some slack (and do things like allow myself (even encourage myself) to stay in bed until 9am every day because I have no energy).

Everything new in my life over the last few months:

  1. Writing is new
  2. Coaching is new (studying and practicing)
  3. Saying no is new
  4. Putting myself out there with my writing and my views is new (and we were taught as kids pretty much not to do this)
  5. Facing so many fears is new
  6. Uncertainty is new
  7. Freedom is new
  8. Totally on my own is new
  9. No constant texts from friends/partners and not asking others opinions is new
  10. Technology is new for my website etc
  11. Using a Mac is new
  12. Design is new
  13. Working for me is new
  14. Not having a daily routine/job provided by someone else is new
  15. Having no income is new
  16. Sitting with pain is new
  17. Dealing with emotions is new
  18. Time is new.  Not rushing.  Learning to get out of the busy=important trap
  19. Letting go is new (not being a control freak)
  20. Being curious / experiments are new
  21. Putting myself first is new
  22. Working on my self worth is new
  23. Paying for my own coach is new.  Investment in myself.
  24. Feeling worthy is new
  25. Laws of attraction and manifesting is new
  26. Trusting the universe is new (oh so tough this one – I am such an extreme planner and organiser)
  27. Believing I can make a difference is new
  28. Believing I can be paid for making a difference is new
  29. Personal mission / vision etc is new
  30. Selling myself is new
  31. Marketing is new
  32. Resting is new
  33. Abundance instead of scarcity mindset is new
  34. Review of fun, joy and anticipation is new
  35. Gratitude is new
  36. Raising my vibration work is new
  37. Podcasts are new
  38. Tim Ferriss, Lewis Howes, Maria Forleo, Tony Robbins, Gary Vee, Kris Carr, Danielle LaPorte, Kate Northrup, Gabrielle Bernstein are new
  39. Instagram is new
  40. Putting my photos out there is new
  41. Setting outrageous goals is new
  42. Meditation is new
  43. Believing my dreams and ALL my desires can come true is new
  44. Giving up TV on weeknights is new
  45. Regular yoga is new
  46. Out of my comfort zone is new

Hmmmmm.  Big lesson learnt right here folks.

Please be kind to yourself.  You deserve it.
