I wish I was one of ‘them’

You know those people that you will never be?  Those hugely successful, fearless, entrepreneurial, try anything, wealthy people.  The book writers, the bloggers, the sellers of things.  The runners of their own businesses.  Their successful businesses.  The Tony Robbins, the Oprahs, the Maria Forleos, the TV chefs, the reality TV stars etc etc.

They are a certain ‘type’ of person.  I had a VERY firm belief I was not one of them.  They were lucky enough to just be like that.  They were born to be brave and put themselves out there.  And they obviously had something amazing because so many people followed everything about them.  I was sensible.  I was average. I assisted other people to do their jobs.  I was good at helping at others.  Very good in fact.  BUT what if, a huge what if, anyone can be one of those people?  Anyone can learn to be fearless and successful and fly first class?  What if maybe you don’t have to be born with it.  What if you can take small steps and create something huge and amazing?

I don’t think I’m creative or have any ideas to save the world.  I wish I was more innovative.  But a couple of little things I’ve done in life people said were creative.  Such as the photo dress I made for Melbourne Cup.  But I was just copying a magazine ad – it wasn’t my idea to make a dress of photos.  I didn’t think it creative.  I just thought it was entertaining.  And I like to think I’m very funny.  I love finding solutions to problems and when I recently left my last job to start my ‘new life’ so many people said that’s what they will remember me for – finding solutions.  It was such a huge compliment.  I didn’t think I was particularly outstanding at it – I just liked things being fixed and not left broken.  Things and people in fact!  But it always just felt like a bit of common sense to me and anyone could do it.

So what is creativity?  What is success?  What does it mean to be a brave and fearless person?  Apparently I have become one!  And I cringe and think it still can’t be true.  But if I keep doing what I am doing and taking steps in the right direction maybe it’s true.  Maybe I have.  But maybe writing this post is just playing.  Maybe it’s not real.  Maybe it’s never going to happen and no one is ever going to read these words.  But isn’t that how everyone feels when they start something?  There is no guarantee for any super star that things will be a huge success.  They keep trying and sometimes failing but sometimes also being successful.  Very very successful.

So apparently anyone can do it.  Even you can be ‘them’.  People say I’ve been brave to leave a pretty well paid sensible job.  I felt I had no choice because I had become bored to tears doing pretty much the same thing every day and not changing.  So I left with long service leave – 2 months pay up my sleeve.  And no new job to go to.  My mother would be horrified (lucky she’s not here to see it!!!!).  2 weeks are down.  I haven’t even launched a blog and I’ve only just enrolled in a life coaching course but these are all steps in the right direction.  Maybe I will be a huge success.  So why wouldn’t I at least try? Why not take tiny baby steps and see what I can make them add up to?  What have I got to lose?  Some money and time?  But imagine what I possibly might gain.  Confidence, belief in myself, huge growth, resilience, learning I have courage, new skills, a greater understanding of myself, the ability to help others more in different ways, overcoming fears, faith that everything is working out for me – aren’t these things worth so much more than money?  Even if I don’t become successful but I get some of these it’s a huge win.  It makes me a better person.  That’s priceless.

Maybe the biggest fear is putting yourself out there.  And knowing you are doing it despite the fact it might fail.  Isn’t that the whole concept of Brene Brown’s vulnerability?

And maybe it’s more brave than I realise because I have no safety net.  No partner, no parents – no one to save me if/when I fail.  But just maybe I won’t fail.  Why do we worry constantly about failing?  Why not ‘worry’ about how successful and happy we will be?  Wouldn’t that be a much better thing to spend our time worrying/thinking about it?  Wouldn’t that make us feel excited about the future and what’s possible?  Just imagine what is possible.  It’s really exciting and inspiring and motivating. And if average people become ‘them’ then that includes you too!!!!!!

Be kind to yourself.


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