What if you aren’t average

So I’ve been banging on a bit lately about me being average.  Average in pretty much everything – nothing outstanding, nothing amazing, nothing hugely successful, no wealth, no relationship, currently no job etc etc.

But it just hit me.  What if I’m not average?  What if I let go of telling myself this message?  What if I change the message?  What if I become the greatness I am meant to be.  That we are all meant to be.  The reason we were put on this planet.  The reason to get out of bed in the morning.  What if we put in the effort to search for our meaning and our point to life and become vulnerable and just gave things to a go?  Tested out a few new things to see what we could learn about ourselves.  Just tried some new things to see the outcome – not to get a result, not to prove anything to ourselves, to get an A+ or a win.  But just to find out more about ourselves until something we do totally clicks and everything in life suddenly feels right.

What if I’m an acorn – just planting the seed so I can grow into a huge magnificent tree?

All of a sudden I’m having a moment late on a Sunday night that maybe my life is absolutely perfect right now – I’ve taken the plunge.  And maybe diving off the cliff is part of the point.  Maybe having the guts to do this stops me from being average.  As we constantly read everywhere we are meant to be enjoying the journey – not just focussing on the destination.  So as much as I feel nothing great has happened to me yet, maybe this beginning of the journey is what is finally making me wonderful.  And worthwhile.  And gives me meaning. And relegates me out of average.

Don’t you think there is magnificence in everyone?  We just need to find out thing.  Our niche, our purpose, our greatness.

Why are we all so scared?  And so scared of failure?  Why can’t we just try things?  Why must everything be successful – isn’t there bravery and courage in anything new.  So maybe just trying new things with no certainty of the result is the best journey.  Let’s stop being what society wants us to be.  Stop comparing ourselves to everyone else we know (and people we don’t know!).

Be you, be whatever you want to be, search for your happiness, be the magnificence!!!!!  And feel grateful and joyful that you get to be your true self.  Oddly enough my school motto was ‘Let your Light Shine’.  Nearly 30 years since leaving school I am finally giving myself permission to experiment and try this out.  And there is no way I even know the result.  But a bit of faith in myself and the world helps.

Be kind to yourself.


2 comments on “What if you aren’t average

    • Even just reading your response gave me shivers – the whole idea just freaks me out no end!!!!! It’s incredible exciting and liberating and terrifying and wonderful! x

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