I’m so lucky I started hating my job

Sometimes the things that seem like the worst thing in the world actually become our biggest blessings.

I couldn’t take leave because there was no one to do my job, I got sick of setting up never ending meetings and then changing them, I knew everything so constantly was asked to take on additional projects, I was the counsellor half the time…  so many things started making me miserable.  But without that and without my manager asking me how I could be happier, I never would’ve taken this plunge.  I would’ve continued doing the job probably for years because it was safe and comfortable and easy.  If I liked it I wouldn’t have made a change.  So really starting to become miserable gave me the kick in the pants I needed for change.  I realised I had to get out of my comfort zone and get a bit of a challenge to make myself feel good every day.  So I resigned.

And seriously, what seemed awful became the biggest blessing ever.  I am soooooo lucky to be on this adventure and journey.  And the timing was right – my long service leave gives me the space to not work for a couple of months and study and start something new.  And get my health and my fitness and my life back.  And most importantly be given time to reflect and think about me and who I am – and time to just be.  Not always be in a rush day after day.  Time to do chores but then be up to date and just wonder what to do next.  The biggest luxury.

What bad things for you have turned out to make your world so much better?


6 comments on “I’m so lucky I started hating my job

  1. Love this Wend. Having worked with you through a part of that rollercoaster. So happy for your big brave change. My bad 2016 was being persuaded to take on a full time gig. I knew it wasn’t what I wanted but I had one foot out the door with a promise of whatever flexibility I wanted so resigned. I didn’t like who I was this year … I was the woman rishing & running in ?… I wouldn’t have wanted to be her friend, daughter or partner. 2017 will be awesome I can’t wait. Back to my 3 day working love affair with the remaining 4 to give focus to all other things including time to reflect & smell the roses xx

    • Isn’t it the most exciting thing to have insight? Makes you feel totally fine about the things you didn’t like because it was all part of the process to get to know yourself better and start making the decisions to be who you want to be. You rock – I know 2017 is definitely going to be incredible for you!!! x

  2. My shitty marriage (then leaving it).
    My job that i got totally fed up with. It also gave me insight into my capabilities, interests, strengths. So no more admin. Now im a psych nurse (and mostly loving it).

    • We really can achieve amazing things – I am quite in awe of human beings. We do such big and brave changes. And you have made some of the biggest bravest choices I have ever seen – are there any jobs out there more difficult than being a psych nurse!!!!! It’s just the most incredible achievement especially with all the study while raising a family. You are definitely one of those people that can do anything. x

  3. I can kind of relate to your situation Wendy. I lost my job a little over two years ago . On what felt like a disaster at the time, ended up being a blessing in disguise. I was only out of work for a few weeks, before landing a great job working with amazing people. I got to have six weeks off in between jobs, which gave me time to get mentally healthy after initially feeling depressed from losing my job, exercise, reflect, read lots of books and discover my mentor, Louise Hay. I believe you made the right decision Wendy. You should never go to work feeling miserable. Life’s too short to be stuck being somewhere you don’t really want to be.

    • I think I will have to get you to be a guest blogger on my site – you are so positive and supportive and understanding and have done the most incredible things in life. And no matter what happens you always bounce back better than ever. So inspirational!!! Thank you for this fantastic response. x

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