My magic weapon for happiness

It’s a whiteboard!!!!!  Yes that sounds like the worst thing on earth – conjures up pictures of a bossy person explaining budgets to you and telling you that you are never allowed to spend money or have any fun ever again.

But mine is different.  It’s magic.  Oh, of course it’s not magic.  It just has such great results and makes you feel so good that it just seems kinda like magic.

Now that 2016 has finished, here is my whiteboard:

Yes it has serious things on there like paying off debt (WOOHOO IT’S DONE!!!! best best achievement) but you will note it has FUN as well.  Yes fun.  I track fun throughout the year.  I can constantly see all the fun things I have done.  All the adventures. Big smiles!  And living on my own it’s very important to me that I don’t become a hermit, so I had catch up with friends on here as well so I can ensure I am being social.  And I love cooking and feel good preparing healthy meals so that’s on there too.  And I want to ensure I am exercising and meditating every day – so every day I do them I get to write the date on the whiteboard.  The more I do – the greater the whiteboard looks and that equals greater happiness for me.  And the more full it gets as the year goes on the bigger my sense of satisfaction and pride.  And they don’t have to be big difficult things every day, just baby steps in the right direction.  Plus you don’t have to achieve everything on the list every day, just achieving a couple makes a difference.  Simple, huh?

So what if you were to get a whiteboard or a piece of cardboard or a big piece of paper and start writing down all the great things you do each day.  Imagine what that would add up to at the end of 2017.  For me it adds up to a messy too full illegible board and I adore it.  It makes me feel good every single day.  I used to have a list where I ticked things off – for years I tried that method.  It never worked – I’d miss some and then feel I was never moving forward.  I would never reach the end goal to get all the boxes crossed off.  Then I would go backwards and never catch up again and lose inspiration.  On this you can’t go backwards – or with my debt I did go backwards for my Hawaii holiday mid year but then I could see it moving forward again. And I didn’t limit myself to how much debt I had to pay off in any given year.  I just had to see some progress.  So I didn’t feel I had failed.  I was moving forward and that was success!!!!!  Every walk, every book I read, every new thing I do is a success.  And you can see it.  You see every success and they grow and grow.  Little steps add up to huge achievement!

So what’s important to you this year?  What do you want to track?  What do you want to achieve?  What new habits do you want to get into?  What adventures do you want?  Exercise, water drinking, alcohol free days, trying new things, meditating, healthy food days, eating more veggies, spending more quality time with your family, more alone time, saving for a holiday, learning a new skill, doing a course, writing a novel, reading more often, more pampering, more sex?  Write down every little step accomplished because you will feel you are well on your way rather than feeling the big end goal is too big to ever achieve.  You will be inspired every day to get one step closer!  And the impossible will become possible.

Be kind to yourself.


PS in huge excitement I have new pen colours for 2017.  Cant wait to erase last year and get ready for the best year ever in 2017.