The anguish of striving for perfection

Do many of us still suffer from this?  Are we still totally focussed on having the perfect body, the perfect relationship, the perfect career, the perfect family, the perfect house and the perfect balance in life?  We are striving for something that doesn’t exist. Oh no, you say?  That’s not you.  Do you see yourself as […]

I’m so lucky I started hating my job

Sometimes the things that seem like the worst thing in the world actually become our biggest blessings. I couldn’t take leave because there was no one to do my job, I got sick of setting up never ending meetings and then changing them, I knew everything so constantly was asked to take on additional projects, […]

I wish I was one of ‘them’

You know those people that you will never be?  Those hugely successful, fearless, entrepreneurial, try anything, wealthy people.  The book writers, the bloggers, the sellers of things.  The runners of their own businesses.  Their successful businesses.  The Tony Robbins, the Oprahs, the Maria Forleos, the TV chefs, the reality TV stars etc etc. They are […]